Since 1998, our mission has remained the same, to guide our athletes as they grow into young men and women. Discipline and honesty are at the core of our club's values. At the Texas Spurs, we stress family, ethics, integrity and maintain a professional environment. For us, it's not about being the biggest club. It's about creating an environment where kids can learn and succeed academically, athletically, personally, and professionally.
- ED Puskarich
Director Of Coaching
Texas Spurs FC Elite Mens and Women's Teams
Texas Spurs Boys and Girls Competitive Soccer Teams
Texas Spurs Development Teams
Uniforms, Training Gear & Spirit Wear
Texas Spurs Park at Grace Church Texas Spurs Park II at Creekwood Church Ereckson Middle School in Allen
Bailer Scott & White Trainer on Site at MJP Wednesdays & Thursdays
Texas Spurs & The Sport Source
Owner/Director of Coaching
Phone: 214-718-9963
Club Administrator
Phone: 214-385-1034
Girl's Academy Director
Phone: 469-450-6905
Boy's Academy Director
Phone: 702-334-2492